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The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Dr. Seuss


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  • Book editing
  • Cover design
  • Marketing funnels


per book



  • All basic features+
  • 1 Landing page
  • Paid traffic campaigns


per book



  • All Standard features+
  • Social media management
  • Local campaigns


per book


In case you're an aspiring author and uncertain about how to commence, we can provide assistance in discovering a secure starting point to venture into the realm of book publishing. Simply reach out to us to schedule a consultation with our expert.


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Why choose ebookbloom

Our team of specialists can assist you in establishing your author brand across various social media platforms. With our expertise and experience, we can create a remarkable marketing campaign that will not only bring you recognition but also financial success. We are well-versed in contemporary trends in eBook marketing and possess the ability to garner a global readership for your manuscript.

Edit and Publish

We help with designing a vivid cover, create a catchy title and publish your book in the most efficient way.

Idea Assessment

At EbookBloom, we aid in evaluating your book's marketing potential, refining keywords, and identifying target audiences.

Boost Monetization

Our primary goal is to assist you in earning the maximum revenue from your book. EbookBoom is skilled in optimizing your earnings

Achieve success with your ebook by procuring digital services


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